Site Coordinator Responsibilities

Site Coordinator’s Role and Requirements Overview

The site coordinator is a volunteer role that supports an online course at a local site. Site coordinators play an integral part in how we deliver online courses to participants around the world, and they serve an essential role in the blended learning model we use by providing learners with support they need to succeed.

As site coordinator, you would:

  • Encourage participants to apply for the course.
  • Communicate via email with eDGH staff.
  • Attend an online course orientation webinar.
  • Organize and remit the site fee payment on time.
  • Organize regular, real-time group meetings for your site (at least 4, but more are encouraged).
  • Take attendance.
  • Assist participants in accessing the course online.
  • Receive and disseminate certificates of completion to the site participants.

Site Facilitator’s Role and Requirements Overview

Some courses benefit from a facilitator who will guide rich, meaningful discussions for participants. Ideally this person has a background in the content of the course and classroom facilitation skills. Note that a facilitator is not required for all courses.

Depending on the staff and availability at your site, the facilitator could be a different person from the site coordinator, or the site coordinator could serve both roles.

The facilitator would:

  • Use the Site Facilitator Discussion Guide that eDGH provides to facilitate a group discussion.
  • Pose discussion questions to help participants adapt and apply concepts and practices to the local setting by sharing ideas and experiences.
  • Provide feedback on the coursework.
  • Coordinate final presentations of participants (for certain courses).
  • Serve as content expert for content-related questions for participants enrolled at your site.

Additional Resources

Site Coordinator FAQ
Site Registration Process and Timelines (by course)
Upcoming eDGH Course and Application Dates
Register a Site